UK NMC OSCE Training for NMC Part 2 Test of Competence
NursingjobsUK provide 30 days intensive NMC OSCE training on how best a pre-registered nurse (PRN) can perform for the objective structured clinical examination (OSCE), the test of competence part 2 of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) registration process for nurses and midwives trained outside of the European Union (EU)/ European Economic Area (EEA).
NursingjobsUK OSCE Training in brief
We have implemented an award-winning learning management system which is ideal for delivering engaging online training for all our students. Through our Learning Management System, we are well equipped to provide a blended learning prospect. We have arranged a 30-day programme. It is not just watching and listening to our training online live, Students will be taken through the real classroom experience. They will be performing the skills and scenarios, filling out the OSCE paperwork. They will get access to our online system for 30 days.
OSCE Online Learning is available 24/7 which has all the skills and scenarios required for the OSCE test preparation. OSCE online learning was created by Nursing Jobs UK to provide the convenience of learning on the go, students can pause, rewind and re-learn whenever and wherever they want at their own convenience.
With the blended virtual program, our tutors will conduct live classes, each focusing on a different section. These sessions will be scheduled for three hours each week. Students can then undertake self-practice based on their schedule until the next class. Regular assessments will be carried out, followed by providing students with constructive feedback to guide their learning process.
All students learn differently, some nurses may need additional support maybe because they require additional time to grasp new concepts, have no prior clinical experience, have a high level of anxiety or just want to improve confidence or recap prior to attending the test.
The MOCK test will be arranged a minimum of1week prior to their actual OSCE test and can be completed online or face to face (Optional). The Face-to-face MOCK OSCE will help to boost confidence and will allow students to feel and use the equipment.
Another benefit of virtual learning is that you are saving on travel and accommodation costs .
Training Dates:
Time :10 am to 1pm
Register online to secure your admission
We have only limited seats available. Don’t miss your opportunity.
Register now to reserve your place.
Contact Susan George for more information.
Visit our website.
Phone: 0203 405 7166